Terms & Policies

HomeBoost is the trading name of HomeBoost New Zealand Pty Limited, a private company registered in New Zealand under company number 6039969 and with the New Zealand Business number NZBN9429042483113. In these terms and conditions and legal notices the company is referred to as either “we” or “us”.

We are associated with Mortgage Advisors working under Financial Advice Provider licenses. HomeBoost does not provide a financial advice service.


Please see our Privacy Policy.

Current terms and conditions of use: By using this website, each person viewing the website (“you”) agrees that their use indicates their consent to be bound by and comply with the following terms and conditions:

Governing law and jurisdiction: regardless of the territory from which you are accessing this website, these terms and conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with New Zealand law and you accept that the New Zealand Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and resolve any disputes or claims.

Changes: we may change these terms and conditions at any time and you will be bound by the then current terms and conditions as displayed at your time of use.

Information you provide: you must ensure that all information you upload to our website is correct, complete, does not contain any misrepresentation and is accurate.

Not to damage the website or disrupt services. You must not:

  • Damage our website by introducing any virus of harmful programme and in particular will not use our website for introducing or spreading any harmful or destructive items (however they may be described) that in any way interfere with our or any other person’s network or computer system

  • Use any software or device that may in any way interfere with or are or may be harmful to the services enjoyed by us or any other person

Comply with all laws: you must comply with all applicable laws, regulations or standards or codes of conduct, in particular, and by way of example and not limitation, you may not use our website to engage in real-estate agency work as defined by the Real Estate Agents Act 2008.

Not use the website for unlawful purposes or create a nuisance: you must not use our website for doing anything which may be or become unlawful or become objectionable or a nuisance to others, for example, and not by way of limitation, send spam and unsolicited communications of any kind, abuse defame, stalk, threaten, bully or harass any other person or use expressions that contain or encourage racial or anti-religious prejudice or rude and objectionable language of any kind.

Not impersonate, mislead or give a false identity: you must not mislead others into assuming you are not who you say you are nor must you impersonate another person or provide any false identity. Copyright: copyright in all material published on our website belongs to us unless the contrary is stated. The content of and all information presented and the format and images on our website are our intellectual property. You may not copy, reproduce, reverse engineer, or use in whole or in part all or part of our intellectual property without our express consent.

Disclaimer: we are not responsible for the links to other websites that you may access via our site nor do we endorse or provide any warranty or guarantee of the services of any other person or company that you may contact via our website. If you agree to engage the services of any other party you do so of your own will and volition and we are not liable for the delivery or otherwise of those services.

Content of our website: we aim to keep our website current, relevant and accurate at all times. But we make no representations or warranty that the content displayed is up-to-date, relevant and accurate.

Availability of our website: we also aim to have our website available at all times on a fault- and virus-free basis, however, we do not represent or warrant that it always will be nor are we responsible for any other device or equipment that we may use. We are not liable to you if the website is not available at any time or does not function in accordance with your expectations.

Access to our website: we reserve the right at any time to deny access to our website by any person or any other machine or device. We also reserve the right to take down from our website any content placed by others that we consider in our absolute discretion to breach any of our terms and conditions. If we exercise this right we are not liable for any damages or costs or losses that any person may sustain as a result of our denial of access or removal of content.