HomeBoost Marketing Platform Terms and Conditions
HomeBoost provides a marketing platform for approved Real Estate Agents to place listings on Facebook. HomeBoost draws listing information from from third-party providers specified by Real Estate Agencies.
By using the HomeBoost Marketing Platform on campaigns.homeboost.co.nz you agree to the following.
Facebook Terms and Conditions You agree to follow Facebook Advertising Policies as set out at www.facebook.com/policies/ads.
Facebook Lead Adverts Terms and Conditions You agree to follow Facebook Lead Adverts terms as set out at www.facebook.com/ads/leadgen/tos.
Privacy Policy You agree to collect and use customer and Facebook Lead data in accordance with your Agency Privacy Policy linked to at www.homeboost.co.nz/partner-terms-and-conditions. HomeBoost will collect and store information provided by users for the purpose of providing the Marketing Platform service, in accordance with our Privacy Policy at homeboost.co.nz/terms.
Third Party Content HomeBoost is not responsible for data sourced from third parties (e.g. MyDesktop) or added by agents and you are solely responsible for ensuring that any ad created from third party content and your own content is in line with Facebook's Advertising Policies.
External Links You may only add links to the listing that direct the user to either the listing (e.g. on your Agency site, an individual marketing site for that property, or a third party listing site) or to your own personal profile pages (e.g. on your Agency or Branch site or social media pages). HomeBoost is not responsible for any content on any site linked to in ads, either from the links provided with the listing or added by agents.
HomeBoost Marketing HomeBoost and HomeBoost Mortgages will contact customers who complete the Lead Form who opt in to receive a call from a HomeBoost Mortgages Advisor and will market Mortgage Broking services electronically to customers who opt in to receive communications from us.
No Liability HomeBoost accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of the Marketing Platform.